My laptop is finally connected to the cyber world again. The past days I had lots of problems checking on my forum, let alone visiting journals or posting on my own. I was dependent on my mom's or my dad's computers and both were very inconvenient. My laptop, which I normally would use on a wireless connection, kept re-booting! If I left the wireless shut off, it was fine. But as soon as I turned on the wirless, it would re-boot, over and over.
Well, now we fixed it to a normal cable... and it WORKS!!! So now I can more easily do some catching up and posting.
I looks like this will be my primary journal. Most of my dearest JS'ers found their way here, and it seems easy enough to navigate. I may even get into doing layouts again and perhaps use my birdie journal for practice.
As already mentioned, my flight over was uneventful. Both flights were FULL, which really surprised me, being that it was January 1st. Before leaving Frankfurt the plane had to be de-iced, which shows how cold it was there.
When I got aboard the Lufthansa plane, a 747-400, I went to my allocated seat waaay in the back only to find a man sitting there already. His young son was in the seat next to his and his ticket showed that he did indeed belong there. So I informed the flight attendent and she gave a call to the gate to find out where I had been moved to. It took a while before the answer came back. Instead of row 55, I was now seated in row 14! The reason, the father wanted to sit next to his son, obviously. I had already checked in so they couldn't notify me of the change. They saw that I was a single person flying, and perhaps being a collector of flight miles didn't harm. Because row 14 was in business class!! Now, how cool is THAT?
So I obviously had a marvelous flight to Washington, Dulles. This was my first time there since the 1970's ... and it seems that nothing has changed since then! I found the Washington terminal old fashioned, dirty, crowded, and not a good representation for out countries capital. Those funny transfer buses reminden me a prisoner transports and that's almost how I felt! heehee
I caught my flight out ok and actually arrived early in San Diego.... I even had to wait for my brother to pick me up.
Btw... as is my habit when flying home, I waved to the various journalspacers that I know as I flew over their countries/states. LoupyLou, NiceFlyer, JustFly, Periwinkle, EvilFury, and the many others that I knew were below me. We had a fantastic view of New York city as we flew by there and I took some pictures. Due to my above mentioned lappy problems I haven't checked them yet. If they turned out, I'll post one for sure.
Enough rambling for now. I will write more as I get the chance.
Dorrie aka Westy