Friday, January 2, 2009

poor timing....

Thank you everyone for the comments on my last entry. As you can tell, I have arrived safe and sound at my parents home.

My flight over went well. On the Lufthansa flight from Frankfurt to Washington Dulles I even got upgraded to Business class!

Maybe I'll write a proper report later, at the moment I'm being extremely frustrated. My laptop decided to give me problems, now, when I need it most! Every time I turn on the wireless to go online, it reboots. The other day at home it worked fine, now it decides to cause problems. So I'm dependent on my mom's computer, which is toooo old and slow, or my dad's computer. I'm using his now, but normally he's busy on it. Besides, I'm not used to the American keyboard! Oh, this is all so frustrating!

And I'm not sure if it's our internet problem here, but my forum, our JS lifeline, seems to load extremely slow or not at all!! Wheelie will check into it and we're hoping we didn't get a hacker into it.

I don't have the peace of mind to have to have all this other issues to mess with. I hope that no one at my forum gets upset... if something is in the system, we may not be able to repair it right away, if at all. I will keep you all informed of any problems. It's just all happening at the worst time!

At least my mom recognised me, though she does get a few things messed up. I won't go into all that now.

I'll report back when I get the chance.

Thanks again for all the support! {hugs}



  1. (((Dorrie))), I'm sorry you've had such problems but glad you're there safe and sound. I noticed that your forum was very slow to load and that wasn't usual so I thought it was my computer. At least we have this place so we don't lose each other.
    Have a great visit with your parents.

  2. I am glad your mother knew you. That can be upsetting when they don't. Went through that with my step mother. Take care and enjoy yourself.

  3. Glad you arrived safely.
    I haven't been able to log into your forum all day, but I am sure it'll be back soon.

  4. I'm glad you are safe and sound. Try not to worry about the forum. It will be okay. We won't be mad at you! It's your forum that's the glue keeping JS together, and we love you for that!!! :-)


  5. Hey Dorrie! I'm glad you got to your folks alright! Thankyou for updating here too! It sounds very stressful, what you are going through.

    I have been gone all day, so don't know if the forum is slow on my end, or not.

    Woweeee, girl look at all your 'followers!' Well, I have 'nine.'

    Thanks again for holding us all together! I was in your fun forum constantly for awhile, then slacked off.

    Please rest up :)

  6. Honestly I am surprised you haven't tossed your cranky computer out the window with all you are dealing with these days.

    have a good visit anyway

  7. Doggone it, all my comments were already taken! It's really good about your mother, that had to have been great, you were worried about that... and NOBODY is mad at YOU for your page having issues - not your fault, not in the least! Honestly. Now enjoy your trip, try not to think about the stressy stuff too much (easier said than done, I know). I wonder if you'll get used to that crazy American keyboard just in time to go home, and then do a double-take when you first sit down to yours! Ha!

  8. Glad your safe and sound. Enjoy your visit, and don't worry about the forum and us. You have done more than your share to keep us together and informed...we'll take it from here if we have to. There is a network growing stronger everyday of us old JS'ers. We are a strong bunch...and you are our Queen.


  9. Glad you arrived safe, the forum is the same for everyone, hope it's something simple like a server going down and not hackers!

  10. Im glad that your mom recongized you. I dread the day when my mother doesnt know us. I hope you get to enjoy yourself while you are at home. (((hugs)))

  11. Glad to see the forum up and going this morning. Fin and I were commenting yesterday that it was horrible timing for it to go flewey, with the trip and all.

    I hope you have a great time with you Mom and Dad!


  12. Glad your trip went well, and that your mother still knows you. I'm sure you'll enjoy your visit with your parents. Hope you get the computer prob straightened out. HUGS!

  13. I too am glad you made it there safely, Westy-Woman. I hope your visit goes smoothly (net problems aside) & that your mom continues to progress. That she knows you is itself a True Blessing in this Holiday season.

    Even from the jaws of human suffering, snatch JOY!



  14. Hi, Dorrie. Good to see you have arrived safely, if not in full communication mode ;-)

  15. thank you ALL for the lovely comments and support. Oh, yes, Kelly, I did feel like throwing it out the window! lol

    Without my lappy I can't multi-task on the internet like I normally do, so it's quite frustrating. But I'll be around, trying to catch up on everyone.

  16. Computers can be so difficult. Glad you made the trip in one piece. Good to hear from you! :)

  17. HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGS youve been missed

  18. Whatever I said on another of yer blogs, I say again here.


  19. Glad you made it there safely and you're with your parents. And thanks for keeping us all together. :)


  20. Westy, I miss you. That's all I have to say right now.

    Love, Jenn

  21. Happy you made it over safe and wowee, J class! Bet that was a nice surprise!!

    Hope you enjoy your time there as much as you can x

  22. I hate slow computers - that hotel I was at had some sort of software that filtered every thing you were doing and the thing just draggggggged. It also censored me from comingon the Fun Forum!
    Have a fun time with your folks!

  23. I fixed it! It was in my registry keys for Windows. Unbelievably relieved here. I hope everything is going ok at home.. Take care Dorrie :)
