The weather was perfect (though cold). I arrived at the airfield, my examiner arrived soon afterward, and then the airplane, a Cessna 152, was available.
I had checked my certificate date earlier, just for safety.... ooops, it had already expired on Oct. 12! No problem since I haven't flown since and my check ride was all set up.
May I brag? Well, I will anyway.

Normally my 360° turns at 45° angle aren't too great... today they were super! I kept my speed, my height, my angle. YES!

And the 3 landings.... couldn't have been better! And considering I haven't flown for a whole YEAR.....

I'm a happy camper today!

Now, about my vacation.....
A couple of you were VERY close to the truth....the opposite of a plane, a BOAT (no, not a submarine, Fin, though I do have a girlfriend in Hawaii who's a submarine captain!). My daughter, Regina, finally convinced me to take the plunge.... so, on December 12th, this is what I'll be boarding....

...for 7 days, around the Canary Islands!

Do I sound excited? You betcha!
Originally I had wanted a tour to Jordania to see the places Pastor Larry has been reporting about, but Regina is worried about the political tensions.... so I backed down (this time).
I know some of you are going through some tough times, financially and otherwise, and I almost feel guilty about reporting this. But I've been saving my pennies, plus the reimbursement from my canceled trip in September, and I have to take the opportunity when I can. Who knows what the future brings....