Our dear former JS'er, Bobby, made an entry about motivation and I could so relate to it, that I've decided to follow suit. Most of you know that I rarily write "philosophical" entries... mine are usually fun or family with lots of pictures, and at one time LOTS of smilies! Anyway... theme today: motivation.
At the moment I'm not motivated to do ANYTHING!
I love my new apartment, and it's 90% finished. That other 10% is minot stuff, extras that aren't necessary, so I'm pleased and comfy. I now have lots of space and room to work (and play) in. I could do some dance recordings on one computer while working on English exam lessons or my homepage on another. Instead.... it's all lying dormant.
I'm not even motivated to go out somewhere, and I even visit my kids only if they call me, instead of me calling them! (SHAME on me!).
I am often glad that some things MAKE me work on stuff because I have deadlines or fixed dates. Like my dance classes... I HAVE to attend because I'm the teacher, otherwise I'm sure I would have discontinued going long ago. Yet, these same classes have, because I attended, saved my sanity more then once.
I will not go into my job... that is one of the real main reasons for my demotivation in lots of things. I avoid airfields, haven't flown in months and don't even want to fly anymore. My instructors licence is no longer valid and I may never renew it. Again, no motivation ... but more job related. NEVER turn your hobby into your job! Yet I did just that with my dancing and my flying.
I haven't even been motivated to blog... anyone notice that, after the pictures of the air show, I haven't added anything more about my trip home?
My job? Twenty more months and I can retire!! YAY!
So, when the new Journalspace group started up in facebook, and within one day over 200 people signed up, it motivated me to finally start up a homepage I had been thinking about for so long. I wanted to reserve the domain name anyway so I went ahead and started working on it. No, it's not a blogging site, though that was my original intention, which is why the domain is
journalspace-revived. There is no way I can do that yet... maybe in 2 years. So I decided to make it a JS nostalgic site.
I've added a homepage, trying to match the original set-up using screen shots I had once made.
I have links to JS member lists, matching people's former JS handle with their facebook names, and old profiles photos if available.
I added a profile of me, adding one of my JS entries and an old layout I once used, with the hope of others doing the same and sending me similar profile pages to adde..... so far, I have received NONE.
I added the JS Saga that Simon had once written, using many JS members as cast. It's one of the things I tried to save back then and thus survived the big JS crash.... and is so fun to read!
I added the JS Legend, which was something I had started on... yet is still unfinished.
I added a link to one of my blogger sub-blogs for people to use and comment on... so far, one follower only.
So far, the only really echo I got were requests from people asking me to remove their REAL names from the list! Yet, those are the names they are signed up on facebook with! Why, I ask you, do they use their REAL names on facebook if they don't want people to know about it?? You CAN sign up on fb with fake names.... lots of people did! geeeeez
So now, once again, I am asking myself WHY do I even bother with these efforts? I can see now that motivation to keep this site full with interesting updates is not going to last very much longer..... *sigh*
Anyway.... I needed to let this bit of ranting out. Sorry.....