Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010 Part II

Christmas days continued..... this time at my apartment. I managed to get the fire going in the fireplace all by my lonesome!

I cooked a festive meal which I think they all enjoyed...

Shiana (3) looks happy...

and Priyasha (almost 2) liked her present (a doll house)..

and on Sunday I had all my girls around me!

At any rate, I had lovely days with my family this year! And yes, I really do feel blessed!



  1. Wow! The vision of that fireplace is very inviting, Dorrie. It looks as if everyone present really had a wonderful time... & best of all: a load of brand new holiday memories were made by all.

    Season's Greetings, my friend.

    Snatch JOY!



  2. What a great looking family you have. And I agree...the fire looks so cozy and relaxing. Nice!


  3. Time to wish you a Happy New Year buddy!!!


  4. Hi Dorrie ! Woweee, add that to your talents, now you are can make a fire in the fireplace :)
    In my home ( back many moons ago, me and the kids used to roast marsh mellows and hotdogs ...and it was in our living room !

    The pictures are all lovely and show how happy and nice it is to be with family :)

    And now ~ it's Happy New Year ( almost!! ) Hugs,

  5. Hey Dorrie, I was waiting for Christmas Part II images and they were well worth the wait. A good time was had by all even Grannie. Happy New Year my friend. Maggs
