Saturday, June 5, 2010

Photos... move, kids, nature....

My entries aren't as often as they used to be, but as most of you know, I'm in the process of moving. Official date when the movers come is June 26, but I'm packing stuff myself into boxes which they will then take. That way I can do some sorting first, besides being a bit cheaper. Since I already have access to my new garage I'm able to bring boxes over there already.... I was getting buried here and had no room for more boxes! This is what my living room looked like until Wheelie and I drove some stuff off this morning....

The weather has finally turned fantastic! The beginning of the week we had low temps around 15°C (59°F) with strong wind and heavy rain (lots of flooding in Eastern Germany and Europe). And today.... 29°C (84°F), dry and almost no wind! Really crazy!

This picture I took on Thursday during a business trip. Sometimes my job has nice perks to it...

The water is not a lake but left over from the heavy rains.

Last weekend Tamara and Emely's Kindergarten had a fest. I didn't take many pictures but I just had to share this one of Emely....

Tomorrw afternoon my son has invited us all over to bbq... and asked me to bake an apple pie (his fav desert!). It's supposed to be hot again tomorrow, but I'll still bake it. After all, he has to stand next to the hot grill! LOL

Maybe more pics tomorrow....



  1. Praying for you during the process of moving.

  2. Hi Westy, I've been wondering about you. Moving is such a huge job! Like Pastor, I'm praying for you too. Be careful, don't overwork yourself. Love the photos. Miss your words.

  3. Moving can be quite an ordeal... I wish you the best as you get through it!

  4. thank you all for the comments! I really appreciate them (I need the feedback LOL)

    *sigh* still so much to do......

  5. Hope y'all had a nice bbq!


  6. Cutie Emely ! The face painting is pretty! Ohhh, your photo of boxes looks better than mine ! I mean...the stacking of boxes,lol. I have about 4 to 5 months, depending how far up I am on the "list."

    WOW! less than a week now till your big day for moving! Wishing you a smooth move !
