As planned, I spent Christmas Eve until Christmas Day at Regina's. We went on christmas Eve with the kids to watch a very nice nativity play put on by local children. That's where I took the top picture.
As is the German tradition, we then came home and presents were opened. The kids were allowed to stay up later then usual, but then just crashed after all the excitement.
On the 25th we went for a walk... it had finally stopped raining (small patches of snow still were to be found here and there, but no white Christmas once again). Toward evening I drove home. Today, Saturday, is also a Christmas holiday so all stores continue to be closed, and tomorrow being Sunday they'll be closed, too. That makes 3 1/2 days in a row!
I arrived home to find the elevator broken again/still! I left my suitcase in my car and just carried up the necessary stuff (laptop, presents, leftovers...). There were two technicians trying to find the problem (on Christmas day!). I haven't checked if it's working, but I also haven't heard it so I think it's still kaputt. *sigh*
Today, besides working on my layout and the Christmas pictures, I've been spending the day catching up on some reading. Weather is nice outside (=cloudless) and I'm considering going for a walk... but that means climbing the 8 floors of stairs afterward. grrrrrrrr
Hope all of you are having a great Christmas!!