Wednesday, April 29, 2009

So, I'm still busy, busy.... and more...

At the moment I don't have time to blog, and what time I spend online I try to read a few of you. But I know I'm missing some, and I'm no longer the "comment whore" I used to be. I always felt guilty when I visited someone's journal, back in the JS days, and didn't at least say hi.... it was like visiting someone and not bringing a small token along (it's traditional in Germany that, when visiting non-family members, you bring flowers for the hostess and a bottle of wine for the host).

But my busy schedule has received a few new "jobs". I'm not even sure now what I've already written.

On Friday, a holiday, I will stop by my daughter's new apartment to help her paint the walls. Yep, I haven't mentioned it openly here because too many family read here, but she is moving out with the kids, leaving her husband. So on top of some what I've already been writing, there has been this emotional strain going on. She knows she has my support, and I'll help her where I can.

This coming Sunday is Priyasha's baptism. My ex-mother-in-law wants to attend but needs someone to pick her up. So, on Friday afternoon I'll drive the 3.5 hours to her home, spend the night there, then drive with her back here on Saturday. Yes, I get along with my ex-MIL.... and I'm the one person in this family who is considered the best driver... even on the German autobahns!

She will then spend the night at my place until Monday. I finally got the closet all set up, with Wheelie's help, but it's not completely filled the way I want it.... I had to improvise until I got a couple of new boards for shelves. Those boards are now sitting here, unpacked.

I picked them up on Monday, after babysitting Shiana and Priyasha, but started to develope a bad cold or whatever. My temp went up to about 102°F and I spent the rest of Monday, and most of Tuesday (temp was back to normal, but I needed to regenerate), in bed. My apartment is a mess and no time to clean it! Today I did go back to work because a VERY important meeting was taking place. Then tonight dance classe, tomorrow telephone duty, then the other dance class... then..see above.

So, I am kind of burned out at the moment. I am losing interest in blogging, in reading some blogs, in the internet, in everything. No word yet on the new job, and my present one is still frustrating (the meeting today proved again how right I was about some things, but do you think anyone realises it? nooooo).

Anyway, don't expect me around as much. Maybe after the baptism I'll have some more kiddy pictures to share. I do still have some new Germany photos I have wanted to share, but just haven't gotten to it.

And the JS t-shirt will finally get sent off this weekend.... I HOPE!



  1. How about this Westy.

    I understand you have a full plate. Take a few minutes and come back when you are recharged. You are loved and that will not change no matter how long you are away.

    That was a lot of stuff in that post. I'm going to say that I wish the best for everyone involved.


  2. Princess Dorrie, take care of the real life things first. You can blog if/when you feel up to it. Ditto what Bobby said. We love you, and know things get hectic sometimes. Just don't stop blogging. You begged ME not to, so it's my turn to beg YOU not to. lol. I hope things slow down a little for you. HUGS!

  3. Blogging comes and goes. We know you love us and we, speaking for myself, love yours as well. Take a short break if you need to. Refrsh. Notice I say "short" break. teehee.

  4. You can't leave, Dorrie, you tried too hard to keep us all together so we just aren't going to let you ride off.

    I think a lot of former JSers have reduced considerably the time they spend blogging. It is likely a good thing to keep up with life instead and blogging occasionally, instead of the other way around :-)

    Take your time, pop in when you can.

  5. There is a lot on your plate Dorrie.
    We are here Dorrie whenever you need us.
    Wow, you are a good ex daughter in law!

  6. don'

    I don't post much nor come on here as much either, it's ok!! Just do what everyone here suggests, stop-in when you can :-)

  7. I think we all go through those times when life becomes busy and we just don't have time for certain things, and blogging is one of them. It has definitely fallen way down on my priority list- doesn't mean I don't care about the people, because I do, but priorities...

    Maybe you'll do the same and come back when you have time, or just pop in from time to time.

  8. Full plate, or empty ones, you've no need to ever feel guilty about not commenting, Dorrie. Not every entry will move you to speak. There are times when you can not relate, can not offer any words of hope, affirmation or revelation. Life is sometimes, simply just LIFE.

    Hope yours is going well, my friend.



  9. I thought I had a full plate. You take care of yourself my friend. Im sorry about your daughter leaving her husband. Im glad you are supporting her. I hope they can still have an equitable relationship for the kids sake. You guys are in my prayers.(((hugs)))

    I had to smile about the driving on the autobahn part. I will have to write a post about my experiences while driving on the German Autobahn!

  10. I ditto what doug said. You better not leave. We are already loosing Sunny.

  11. I know what you mean life is spinning at high speed in some areas for me so I am not posting and hardly commenting
    big hug

  12. would you write me Dorrie, if you don't blog, like to just write you once in awhile, thanks,..
